Staying Safe During a Storm
11/18/2019 (Permalink)

Never underestimate the power of a storm! They are dangerous events of nature that can harm you or destroy your home in the right conditions. So how do you minimize your risk in a storm?
1. Find Shelter! If it is storming, make sure you find a place with shelter (home or vehicle) with windows closed that protects you from the rain and lightning. If possible, find a larger closed off structure as they are safer than small and open areas.
2. Avoid conductive or electrical tool and item use while it's storming so you do not risk shocking yourself.
3. If you see the lightning/hear thunder, then you are already at risk.
4. The louder and more frequent you hear thunder, the closer lightning is to your location.
5. Minimize your driving, especially in areas of outage. Traffic incidents rise sharply at intersections that are suffering from outage problems, and your car may skid on roads especially where flooding exists.